One hunderd years from now it will not matter what kind of house you lived in, how much money you had, nor what your clothes were like. But the world may be a little better because you made a difference in the life of a child.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Quote from a fantastic mom

"You would think that after 6 autism conferences I could get through speaking about Emma without crying, maybe next time."

Hi everybody! I have created this blog for one of the most wonderful moms I have ever met. Jen Love is incredible. She juggles her business, kids, volunteer work at the CDC, and her efforts for "Autism Speaks" with ease. Her quote above is from her 6th journey to the national Autisim Speaks conference she attended because of her incredible dedication as the walk chair for the annual walk at Nomahegan Park.

This year we would like to help Emma go to Ecuador for a stem cell treatment. Many children with autism are returning from Ecuador with new verbal skills and some have been potty trained. These are two of the Loves greatest wishes for Emma.

So this year the annual celebration on October 17th after the Autism Speaks walk, will be a fund raiser to send Emma to Ecuador. We will need lots of help from everyone brainstorming how we can accomplish our goal of $20,000. $18,000 is needed for treatment and approximately $2000 is needed for travel. Patrick and I will be accompanying Emma and her family and the doctors are treating Patrick as a return patient for free!

An account will be opened for Emma under her own name so if you would like to contribute immediately you can make checks payable to "Emma Love" and mail them to Jen. Otherwise we hope you can join us on the 17th of October to celebrate Emma and her upcoming journey.


  1. whao hooooooo for Emma !!!!!!!
    so proud of her....and for the entire Love family !!
    we are behind you 100% , love ALL of you !
    Judy, Alan, & A thru Z
