Now that it is posted on Facebook, there is no turning back now. The passport paperwork is completed, of course we will have to sedate Emma to get her to have her picture taken and to the passport office, but we will get it done!
I can't believe the amount of support and well wishes we have already received from so many people. I have such a warm feeling knowing that we are not walking this journey alone! i have always known that there would be many trials in our life with Emma, but I can say with certainty that there are many blessings as well.
As I was getting Emma dressed for school this morning, I was talking to her as I always do. I never get an answer back, but sometimes those are the best conversations! Anyway, I was explaining to her that we are gearing up for the most important journey of her life.... (At this time I was bent over putting on her shoes) that we were going to Ecuador for a treatment that would hopefully change all of our lives for the better. Naturally, I began to get ferclemped (sp?), I have a feeling that will be happening to me over these next few months more than usual! Well, as I started to bring my head up from putting on her shoes, I was met with the sweetest kiss I have ever had the pleasure to receive! It was as if she was saying thank you and that she really knew what I was saying! There is no greater gift that I could ever receive than that kiss!
I know that I will be thanking many people along this journey, but I wanted to start out by thanking the person who has really made all of this possible and that is Jackie French! If it was not for her, we would not be taking this step. Her strength, courage and friendship is really what helped Roger and I to come to this decision. In April, when Jackie took her son Patrick for his treatment, she was really treading through uncharted waters. She did not have the benefit of knowing what to expect on a first hand basis. Because of her courage and determination to stop at nothing to help her son, our angel Emma will be better because of it. Jackie, from the bottom of our hearts, we love you! We are blessed to have you in our lives!
Jenn and Jacki - good luck, and stay strong.